When logging an incident on our self service portal you are asked to assess impact and urgency of your issue, from this a priority from 1-5 is set. Our staff will then review and may adjust according to our workload and other commitments at the time. The highest priority will always be getting an issue that stops someone from working, with a view to getting them to a working state either by a fix or a workaround.
We aim for our services to be up and available for use 99% of the time during working hours.
Change Windows and Notifications of Works
1 hour vulnerable window per week during standard hours (Tuesday - 8:00 – 9:00am)
- Planned outage / downtime – notification for planned outages/downtime will be sent 2 weeks prior to outage. Then a reminder will be sent 1 week and the day before the outage.
- Unplanned outage / downtime – As soon as possible, subsequent updates to be sent as soon as more information becomes available, or workaround is implemented.
CSCS Working Hours
CSCS is open from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm weekdays, excluding bank and University / School holidays or closures.
We monitor our infrastructure outside of working hours and should any part of the core functionality fail we will attend and intervene. Core functionality is: core routing and network services, ability to log in, Group Drives and other data storage, VPN, Email
Change Windows and Notifications of Works
1 hour vulnerable window per week during standard hours (Tuesday - 8:00 – 9:00am)
Contacting CSCS
Our Self Service Portal is https://itsupport.medschl.cam.ac.uk. You can log incidents and service requests and track the progress of your open issues here.