If you had updates that needed to be installed & a reboot required, please run through the above steps again to ensure you have all the missing updates installed!
Initially this will be applied to the Medical School estate - i.e. devices in or near to the Clinical School / Addenbrookes, managed by CSCS. We will then roll this out to SLCU and Zoology (BioSci).
If you have been regularly installing the updates & rebooting your device, the only change you are likely to notice is that the updates will install automatically, and you are simply prompted to schedule a reboot for your PC.
We understand that there are certain situations where automatically installing updates & rebooting a device after 7-days is not desirable - e.g. Instrument Devices (where software needs to be tested by the supplier prior to updates), or machines where software may need to do a “long run” longer than 7-days (where a forced reboot after 7 days will cause interruptions). We are building in to this update a way to either have an extended notification period - 14 days rather than 7 - or in for some exceptional cases to not apply this at all.
We will only be allowing these exceptions for specific devices where the need to delay or avoid this is greater than the need to secure our estate - as this change is to improve the security of all the devices on the CSCS network. We will not be allowing this for a user device where it is simply inconvenient - there must be a genuine need to avoid updates being installed automatically.