During migration

Your mailbox will be migrated in a specific batch with approximately 150 other mailboxes. Details of the specific batch, the date and instructions will be emailed to you before the migration. The instructions will be based on your current mailbox configuration, whether you have shared mailbox access and whether you already have an Exchange Online mailbox. In the late afternoon (around 4-5pm) your mailbox will start to migrate and this will run overnight to minimise disruption.

  • Your email address will remain the same

A forwarder will automatically be applied to your medschl mailbox and direct all messages to Exchange Online. All email to your medschl address and cam address will appear together in your Exchange Online mailbox.

  • Use Exchange Online webmail to view any new email or send new emails.

Any new email will appear in Exchange Online mailbox. This can be accessed using Exchange Online webmail https://outlook.office.com/ using your Raven / @cam credentials. Note that you cannot expect to see much historic mail here until the migration job has run overnight.
Emails sent to either your medschl or your @cam email address will arrive in the same Exchange Online mailbox, so you do not need to worry about losing any emails during or after the migration.

  • Your old medschl mailbox

It will continue to be available in a read-only configuration for a period of time. This can be accessed using medschl webmail https://webmail.medschl.cam.ac.uk with your @medschl credentials.

  • Historical email messages

The amount of time it will take to move all historic email messages will depend on the size of your mailbox. Small mailboxes may see all items available immediately upon completion of the migration. Larger mailboxes may take longer as the items are transitioned over between systems. This may happen throughout the day and if you need to locate an older message or calendar item you can use medschl webmail https://webmail.medschl.cam.ac.uk.

  • Medschl webmail

Do not send emails from medschl webmail after migration. This platform can be used to read data only. If you need to send email, use Exchange Online webmail https://outlook.office.com/.

  • Confirmation email

A confirmation email will be sent to your Exchange Online mailbox when your mailbox has been successfully migrated. Mailboxes with issues will not receive this and will be contacted by CSCS. This may be before all historic mail items have fully appeared in your Exchange Online mailbox.

  • Exchange Online mailbox

If you already have an Exchange Online mailbox and are forwarding email from @cam to your medschl mailbox, and keeping a copy in Exchange Online, you will see duplicated mail once the two mailboxes are combined. If you are able to identify messages that have been forwarded, please consider deleting them or moving them to a sub folder to avoid duplication once the two mailboxes are combined.

  • Getting Help