Saving Directly to OneDrive for Business

Saving Directly to OneDrive for Business


This guide explains how to save (or load) files directly to your OneDrive for Business. Using OneDrive directly like this (rather than using it to sync between computers), is not as common but is useful in several scenarios, for instance when using someone else's computer.


  • Office 365 account as provided to University staff and students
  • Internet Connection

You can save directly to OneDrive for Business from any of the following applications:

  • Office 365 Online  (https://portal.office.com/)
  • Office 2013/2016
  • Office 2016 for Mac
  • Office 365 Pro Plus
  • Office Mobile apps for Android, iOS, Windows Phone

Online Resources

Microsoft Documentation: https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Store-files-in-OneDrive-for-Business-3269a7d1-2eaf-447f-98f8-1cf32b294fe3?ui=en-US&rs=en-GB&ad=GB


Accessing OneDrive via Office Online (https://portal.office.com/)

 Instructions for Office Online

Saving files to your OneDrive for Business

  1. Sign into Office 365 online as per /wiki/spaces/LIC/pages/21692480
  2. In the Application Grid, open an application such as Word Online
  3. Open a new document. Give it a title in the black bar

  4. Office 365 will automatically save the file as you go.
  5. If you want, you have the option to save an additional copy: File > Save As

Opening files from OneDrive for Business

  1. In the Application Grid, open OneDrive

  2. Your OneDrive will open, allowing you to open or organise your existing files:

Accessing OneDrive via Office 2013 / 2016 Pro Plus and Office 365 Pro Plus (Windows)


 Ensure that your OneDrive for Business is connected
  1. Open an Office application, such as Word
  2. Browse File > Account
  3. You should see that you are signed in. If not see /wiki/spaces/FAQSTAGE/pages/24379806
  4. Under Connected Services, you should see OneDrive - The Clinical School Computing Service

 Saving to OneDrive for Business

  1. To save a document choose File > Save As > OneDrive - The Clinical School Computing Service > Browse

  2. A browsing window will open.  (Techie note: you will see that the location address is the online address of your OneDrive)

  3. Save
  4. As you are saving online, this process can take longer than saving files locally.
 Opening Files from your OneDrive for Business
  1. Open the Office application, e.g. Word
  2. From the Welcome Screen, in the bottom-left corner choose Open Other Documents
  3. From Choose OneDrive - The Clinical School Computing Service > Browse