Switching Office 365 Subscriptions

Switching Office 365 Subscriptions


If you already pay for a Home Office 365 subscription, and wish to switch to the Education subscription provided by the University, this guide explains how to do it, and some important considerations.


  • The OneDrive for Business component of Office 365 has not yet been released as it is a new product that is still undergoing testing. If you rely on OneDrive, we recommend waiting until OneDrive for Business has been released before switching subscriptions


To switch over to the University subscription, you will need to update your sign-in details in any Office 365 Pro Plus application. This should update all installed applications.

 Office 365 Pro Plus for Windows
  1. Close all Office applications
  2. Open an application, such as Word
  3. Open a blank document
  4. In the top-left corner, click File > Account
  5. Here you will see your subscription information:
  6. Click Sign Out
  7. You will be warned about the loss of customisations and syncing:
  8. Click Yes,
  9. Click Sign In, and sign in with your domain account (@medschl, @biosci or @slcu),
  10. Click Next
  11. An authentication dialogue box will pop up. Your username should be entered:
    1. Clinical School users enter: crsid@medlan.cam.ac.uk
    2. Zoology users: crsid@biosci.cam.ac.uk
  12. You should now be logged into your University account: