Distribution Lists

Distribution Lists

An Exchange distribution list is different from a personal contact list. Contact lists are only viewable by you and are stored within your mailbox.  Distribution lists are address lists that are set up centrally on the mail system and are accessible by all.  Distribution lists can be nested inside other groups or lists  to spread out the administrative burden of maintaining them.

A message to the distribution list created is delivered to all the recipients. Recipients of the emails sent to the list will see their own names and the names of all the other recipients on the To line of the message. This is instead of seeing the name of the distribution list that the originator used.

Uses of a distribution list

You can use distribution lists in messages, task requests, meeting requests, and other distribution lists.

Features of a distribution list

There are two different roles for each distribution list - Owners and Members.

  • Owners - Can manage the distribution list. They can add and remove members, restrict who can email the list and are responsible for keeping the list up to date.
  • Members - receive emails sent to the distribution list

Requesting a distribution list

To request a distribution list you will need to submit this form. Please note that for efficiency's sake we prefer not to create a list unless there are at least 3 people or email addresses to go into it.

The Service Desk will require the following information:

  • Name of the list
  • Owner(s) of the list
  • Whether the list should allow email to be sent to it and then to be passed on to all the members of the list
  • Email addresses/names of the people to go on the list
  • Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for new lists to appear in the global address book.

Using a distribution list

You can access a distribution list using Outlook, Exchange email on a mobile device and on Webmail.

To address an email to a distribution list:

  • Create a new email message in Outlook 
  • Click the To button or the Address Book button in Outlook - this brings up the Global Address Book. 
  • Search the list for the list you want. 
    • you can type list- in the search box (like below) as many of the School lists start with 'list-' so this may quickly find them
    • alternately, you can click the down arrow (blue arrow below is pointing to it) and choose All Distribution Lists. This will then show only distribution lists instead of all mail recipients on the system.
  • Double click on the list(s) and people to whom you wish to address the email and then the OK button the items chosen will be inserted into the To line of your message
  • If you need to modify recipients for this message only, you can click the + beside the list name
  • You will be prompted with this window and you can select OK
  • You can then delete any lists or people to whom you don't need to send the message
  • If any of the addressees in the list have out of office messages set, you'll see a note at the top of the email indicating who (see screenshot below)