Adding a printer

Adding a printer

To add a printer to your Intune managed device:

  1. Find the name of the printer you want to add – it should be labelled by a white sticker on the device. If you are not sure about the name, ask a colleague.
  2. Click on the Start Menu and type "Print", then click on "Add a printer or scanner" in the results:
  3. Click on the "Add a Printer" button at the top of the window. After a few seconds a blue "The printer that I want isn't listed" link appears, click on that:

     Managed Printers
    1. In the window that pops up, select "Select a shared printer by name" and either enter \\me-print\ (for Clinical School devices), or \\bio-print\ (for Zoology devices) and wait for the list to pop up with a list of printers, or if you know the printer name, enter \\me-print\<Printer-Name>
    2. Once you have entered the printer name / selected it, click on Next. You should see a small window saying "Connecting to <Printer-name>", after a short delay it should say "You've successfully added <Printer-name>". Click Next, and then Finish
     Adding a printer by IP Address
    1. In the window that pops up, select "Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname" and click Next:
    2. Enter the IP address of the printer in the "Hostname or IP address" box (the "Port Name" will automatically be filled in with the same details). Ensure the "Query the printer and automatically select the driver to use" is ticked, and then click Next:
    3. You will see a progress bar moving back and forth with the message "Contacting Printer", which will then change to a page saying it has added the printer:
    4. Click Next, then Next on the page asking if you want to share the printer, you can then print a test-page if you want to. Click Finish and you should see the printer listed in the Devices and Printers page.