HLRI Building - CSCS IT Services

HLRI Building - CSCS IT Services

IT Services Update:

Validity date: to 7 June 2022

IT Services in the HLRI building continue to be provisioned. At present and until the validity date above, the status of IT systems and support is outlined below.


The default network in the building for network or internet access is via wifi. Please connect to one of the following wifi networks and use your VPN to get to internal data and systems:

Building occupants were asked to provide device details and MAC addresses to CSCS for wired network connections to work. These will be enabled as people move into the building. They cannot be done beforehand as it will stop your computer from working at the old location.


There are 2 MFP printers in the building.  HRLIPR04 is on the first floor and HLRIPR03 is on the second. Scan to email is available at both.

Printers are only available if you are subscribed to the CSCS network connection service, have a user account and you are using the wired network in the building.  To apply please use this form: https://itsupport.medschl.cam.ac.uk/HEAT/?Scope=SelfService&CommandId=NewServiceRequestByOfferingId&Tab=ServiceCatalog&Template=46BC6880A3234BF6ABDAB3F9CF363F5E. Printing to these printers is not available using Eduroam/Wifi.

CSCS IT Support

CSCS IT Support is available as usual to customers and computers subscribed to our services.


This page will be updated as more information becomes available.

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