via Offline Files on your Windows Laptop
Introduction to Offline Files
Offline Files are a copy of network files from your home (U:) drive which are stored on the hard drive (also know as the C: drive) of your laptop. This means that you can access them even when you are not connected to our network, and any changes you make will be "synchronised" back to the server the next time you connect.
Offline Files are considered "offline" when you are not connected to our network. Therefore, even if you are connected to the internet (for example via a home network or Eduroam) your network files are still "offline" since you will not be connected to our network and file servers (unless you are using our VPN service).
Users of our Druva inSync Share service have their files synchronised across any internet connection via the Druva client, and so do not to use Offline Files.
- A supported Windows laptop
- Sufficient space on your C: drive to store your a copy of your network files. You can check this by clicking on Computer from the Start Menu, and seeing how much space is available
- The initial setup of Offline Files needs to be performed while you are connected to our network. It cannot be performed remotely
Configuring Offline Files
By default we configure all Windows laptops purchased through us to have Desktop, Favourites (for Internet Explorer), Contacts and Links to synchronise as Offline Files on the Medschl and Zoology domains. We will also offer to make your "My Documents" folder available offline during delivery.
If you wish to add additional network folders to be available offline then follow these steps:
Preparing to use Offline Files Off-site
While you are on-site and connected to the network, your offline files cache is updated at logon, periodically while logged on, and at log-off. Therefore before going off-site, you should always log-off before disconnecting your network cable / connection.
If you disconnect your network before logging off (or do not log off at all) you may find certain files are unavailable to you.
Using Offline Files
When you access your Offline Files while not connected to our network, there is no need to look in a different location on your computer, despite the fact that they are being saved on your hard drive. The files will appear in the same location as if you were in fact connected to the network.
If you find that files you were expecting to be available cannot be accessed, then they not successfully synchronised.
Synchronising your offline changes
One of the risks of using Offline Files is that any new or edited documents are not backed up until you synchronise. You should therefore plan to synchronise as soon as you can - this can be done by connecting to the on-site network, or by connecting VPN (Virtual Private Network)