Medschl Migration to UIS Exchange Online FAQ


A project has been initiated to migrate all Medschl mailboxes from the CSCS hosted email services to Microsoft’s cloud-hosted email platform called Exchange Online which is provided by UIS. The migration is scheduled for completion in 2023 when Microsoft will no longer offer support for the current mail services provided by CSCS.

The University has been running its own email system for numerous years which was previously called Hermes but this was retired at the end of 2021 and replaced by Exchange Online, the new University standard which all departments are required to adopt. The University is paying for Microsoft licences for all staff and students so it no longer makes economic sense to pay for a duplicate system and licensing at the Clinical School.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

You may note that there may not be answers for all of the items below. We are still working on some aspects of the migration and will update the FAQ as decisions are made and the information is available.

If you need to log an incident with the CSCS Service Desk with questions about the migration please go to our Self Service Portal and log a ticket using this link:


Migrations started in Q1 2023 with an estimated completion by autumn 2023. Each person will be notified at least 3 days before their mailbox is scheduled to be migrated. Large departments schedule can be found here:

Migrated means that your mailbox has been moved to Exchange Online. When this happens you will be sent an email like the one below. From that point on you will go to to send and recieve email. All of your old messages and calendar items may not have been moved at this point so if you are missing any old messages, go back to to find them. You should not try to send anything from medschl however.


Some people with especially large mailboxes will have older email copied from medschl into Exchange Online before they are actually migrated. Do not delete or organise these messages. Your medschl email address will NOT be moved until you are advised that it has been so any email sent before that from Exchange Online will be from your @cam email address.

During the migration:

After the migration: You will continue to contact the Clinical School Computing Service for support. UIS does not provide end user support.