Microsoft Access Guides

Microsoft Access Guides

Microsoft Access 2013/ 2016 Compatibility

Access databases created in previous versions of Access need to be carefully tested as some of the database functionality has changed between the different versions. 

In Access 2013 Microsoft have stopped supported for Access Data Projects (ADPs) and are instead offering a cloud-based alternative.  This may not be suitable for everyone and definitely be unsuitable for any project in the Clinical School that contains sensitive personal data.  The full details, from Microsoft, can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj618413.aspx#sectionSection1.

The removal of support for Access Data Projects is a major concern for those users of Access 2010 who have legacy *.ADP databases.  This thread on StackOverflow gives some ideas on how to get around this issue, but there seems to be no quick fix. 

A full list of functionality that has been deprecated in Access 2013 can be found here: https://support.office.com/en-US/article/Discontinued-features-and-modified-functionality-in-Access-2013-BC006FC3-5B48-499E-8C7D-9A2DFEF68E2F.

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