Booking rooms within the Clinical School via Booker

Booking rooms within the Clinical School via Booker


As part of the Clinical School's move to Exchange Online, teaching and seminar rooms are being moved to Booker and we encourage all resource and meeting room calendars to follow. This self managed room and resource system is overseen by the UIS and is easy to use and full of great features.  This service is a dedicated product for handling room bookings and is better equipped than the current exchange calendars.  Only resources that are specifically tagged for migration will be moved to Exchange Online.

Getting started in Booker

If you want to set up a department in Booker the UIS has a thorough guide on how to do so which can be found here: https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/booker/adopt-booker-your-institution

The UIS also provides an onboarding session once a month that demonstrates how to use Booker as a department manager as well as set up the different rooms and rules. You can contact roombookingsystem@uis.cam.ac.uk for further information about the onboarding session.

Guides for Room requestors

Guides for Department managers

Guides for Room managers

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