Office 365 Mobile Apps for Android, iOS, etc

Office 365 Mobile Apps for Android, iOS, etc


Limited versions of the Office products are available for all mobile platforms, allowing reading and basic editing of Office documents from phones and tablets. They can be installed from the standard app store for your platform. Once installed , you will need to sign-in to them with your Office 365 credentials to access all the features. For more details on which credentials to use for signing in, see /wiki/spaces/FAQSTAGE/pages/24379647

Unlike for PC and Mac, the mobile applications are must be installed individually.


As of February 2016, the requirements were:

iOS: Office for iPad® and iPhone® requires iOS 8.0 or higher. Office for iPad Pro® requires iOS 9.0 or higher.

Android: Office for Android™ can be installed on tablets and phones that meet the following criteria: running Android KitKat 4.4 or later version and have an ARM-based or Intel x86 processor.

Windows phone: Office Mobile applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook Mail, and Outlook Calendar) require Windows 10.


Unfortunately, due to security concerns regarding how passwords are stored on 3rd party servers, Outlook Mobile is not recommended as an email client for University email.


 Installing from the App / Play Store

Microsoft has a round up of instructions for the different platforms here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Office-365-mobile-setup-Help-7dabb6cb-0046-40b6-81fe-767e0b1f014f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US. You should follow the steps for the "University" plan.

 Signing In

 You will need to sign into application using your domain credentials (@medschl, @biosci or @slcu) for more information see /wiki/spaces/FAQSTAGE/pages/24379647

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