Agenda / links for new computer owners

Agenda / links for new computer owners


The CSCS Remote Deployment Service for new laptops launched in April 2021.  Initial setup of laptops is now is automated and mostly zero touch which significantly reduces the amount of time and in-person interaction with CSCS required for a new device.  You will no longer have to come to site to configure a new laptop as this can be done from anywhere! All you will need is an internet connection to get yourself up and running.

CSCS services are built on a standard set of configuration options which ensures consistent results for all users.  This means that some configurations are locked down and not configurable which might be an annoyance for some people. Decisions on what to configure and what to leave up to choice were taken with an eye to security and convenience in mind.

This session is aimed to take you through some initial set up questions which we hope will help you to get up and running quickly when receiving your new device. This page will also have links to all the issues discussed for reference at a later date if needed.


Register for the session here - https://cscs.medschl.cam.ac.uk/devices/new-computer-familiarisation-sessions/.

You will need to be connected to the internet to join this Zoom session. 

Make sure that you have followed the Your New Computer guide for the basic installation instructions and have logged in to your computer at least once.

Please also make sure you know your Raven password as this will be used to sign into OneDrive and Teams on your device.



  • How best to use OneDrive
  • Signing in
    • Our OneDrive FAQ page will take you through signing and checking OneDrive
  • Testing
  • Moving files to it - Please also see OneDrive FAQ page for further guidance.
  • Ensuring no data is stored locally
    • Save files to OneDrive and Group Drive locations
    • OneDrive will automatically backup your Desktop, My Documents and Pictures (no other local locations will be backed up automatically).


  • Have you been able to configure your main mailbox successfully? Please see our Setting up Outlook for further guidance.
  • Signatures
  • Additional mailboxes
    • Do you have shared mailboxes you need to add?
    • Do you need to add an @cam mailbox into Outlook


  • You can install Office 365 on 5 devices
  • Make sure you sign in so you have a licence assigned to you from the University (you would do this on all devices you want to use Office applications on)


  • Confirm the configuration is correct
  • Have you been able to launch the VPN and have connected successfully?
  • Does everyone understand when to use the VPN and how to get the best from it? Further information on our VPN information page

Department / Shared Data

  • What to put in a group drive?
  • See our guide on Mapping Group Drives - This will cover how to do this and where to locate your department's drive path.

Installing Software

  • Can I still get access to other software?
    • Yes, please see our Software Library to download additional standard applications onto your new device .
  • Can't install new programs on your device?
    • If you are not able to install new programs onto your device please contact the CSCS Service Desk who will be able to remotely provide you with admin rights on the device.

Helpful Links